Living water
From the chemical perspective water consists of two positively-charged hydrogen and one negatively-charged oxygen atoms. The positive and negative particles energize each other and develop so called clusters over hydrogen bonds.
In fact due the hydrogen bonds water should be a solid body. Because of the constant dis- and an immediate reconnection of those bonds water keeps its liquid state, hence it can be described as a liquid crystal.
The informative power of water
A test of common water revitalizing methods:
Changes of the electroluminescence value (in %) of water probes after revitalization. Red bars show significant change while blue ones are non-significant. Gemstones and the photon disc are slightly significant. The direction of the bars is irrelevant.
(Dr. med. Barbara Hendel, Wasser vom Reinsten, ina publishers, 2002)
Light water is a healthy water.
Water acts as a solvent in the body. It cleanses our body from inside. Water needs to be “transportable” so that it fulfills its metabolic duties well and creates health and well-being. Modern medicine ascribes the ability to bind metabolic decomposition products well and eliminate them from the body to waters with a low mineral salt content in particular.
Such waters have a great binding capacity and act like a sponge with great suction power. They contain extremely small amounts of limescale and salt – hence “light” waters . Tap water often contains 500 milligrams of dissolved sediments, mineral water even 1000 or more milligrams of dissolved sediments per liter. The light, slightly mineralized PI®-Water contains fewer than 25 milligrams of dissolved sediments per liter.
„Only slightly mineralized waters tend to equalize their free bonding valencies. Only such waters can function as a full-value biological carrier medium.“
Univ. Prof. Dr. Florian Überall
Medical University of Innsbruck / Austria