PI®-Cell Vitalizer Special

The PI®-Cell Vital­iz­er Spe­cial can be com­bined regard­less of it’s larg­er vol­ume with both direct flow osmo­sis mod­els (mod­el 300 and 450). Due the high­er pro­duc­tion capac­i­ty of PI®-Power Com­pact 450, it is com­bined with PI®-Cell Vital­iz­er Spe­cial only. The larg­er vol­ume of the PI®-Cell Vitalz­er Spe­cial offers more space, thus more con­tact sur­face for the active com­po­nents (ceram­ics, corals and crys­tals). The result is a high­er rem­iner­al­i­sa­tion and a high­er redox poten­tial of the PI®-Water.

The range of use of the PI®-Cell Vital­iz­er Spe­cial as a source of drink­ing water is — beside the one of the “small­er broth­er” the PI®-Cell Vital­iz­er Stan­dart — in larg­er house­holds, larg­er doc­tor’s and den­tist’s offices, small­er clin­ics and restau­rant busi­ness­es.

Technical details

Diam­e­ter: 138 mm
Total height: 365 mm
Weight: 2,9 kg


  • Hous­ing: stain­less steel
  • Base: Dura­con
  • Car­tridge: Polypropy­lene

Feed water pres­sure: 0,5 — 6 bar

PI®-Cell Vitalizer Special

PI®-Cell Vitalizer Special replacement cartridge

The con­tent of the PI®-Cell Vital­iz­er Spe­cial are the active ele­ments of the phase 3 (mild rem­iner­al­iza­tion): IMS®-PI®-ceramics and San­go cor­rals as well as the phase 4 (ener­giza­tion): YMS®-PI®-, BCS®-PI®-ceramics and BCS®-PI®-zeolithes.

A plas­tic bag with the parts of the phase 2 (tur­bu­lance) is includ­ed in the deliv­ery as well. Those need to be replaced dur­ing the car­tridge exchange as well.

We rec­om­mend to replace the car­tridge every 6 — 7 years.
PI®-Cell Vitalizer Special Ersatzkartusche