PI®-Power Compact 450

PI®-Power Compact 450

PI®-Power Com­pact 450 is com­pared to the 300 series a sig­nif­i­cant­ly more pow­er­ful water treat­ment sys­tem with much high­er PI®-Water out­put. There­for it suits espe­cial­ly for larg­er house­holds, larg­er doc­tor offices and small clin­ics as well as for restau­rant busi­ness­es.

The 450 series includes the mod­el PI®-Power Com­pact 450 UV, which is addi­tion­al­ly equipped with a UV pro­tec­tion. This is manda­to­ry in cer­tain coun­tries, where the micro­bi­o­log­i­cal lev­el of the main water exceeds the Euro­pean drink­ing water ordi­nance.

Due to the larg­er PI®-Water pro­duc­tion vol­ume this sys­tem includes the PI®-Cell Vital­iz­er Spe­cial only. PI®-Cell Vital­iz­er Spe­cial pro­vides a larg­er vol­ume hence more con­tact sur­face with respec­tive ceram­ics, crys­tals and corals. There­for the redox­po­ten­tial and rem­iner­al­i­sa­tion are sig­nif­i­cant­ly high­er in respect to the PI®-Cell Vital­iz­er Stan­dard.

Technical details
*Val­ues were deter­mined at incom­ing water’s tem­per­a­ture of 25 °C and elec­tr. con­duc­tiv­i­ty of 500 µS/cm.

PI®-Power Compact 450
PI®-Power Compact 450
pre­filtra­tion Active Car­bon­block Fil­ter
Mem­branes Type 150 GPD 3
inter­face touch­screen
UV-lamp -
yield l/min
pure water 2,2 — 2,5 (55%)
waste water 1,8 — 2,1 (45%)
water­cooled pump yes
PI®-Cell Vital­iz­er
Stan­dard -
Spe­cial yes
out­put PI®-Water 2,2 — 2,5 l/min
PI®-Power Compact 450 UV
PI®-Power Compact 450 UV
pre­filtra­tion Active Car­bon­block Fil­ter
Mem­branes Type 150 GPD 3
inter­face touch­screen
UV-lamp yes
yield l/min
pure water 2,2 — 2,5 (55%)
waste water 1,8 — 2,1 (45%)
water­cooled pump yes
PI®-Cell Vital­iz­er
Stan­dard -
Spe­cial yes
out­put PI®-Water 2,2 — 2,5 l/min

Included in delivery

  • PI®-Cell Vital­iz­er Spe­cial
  • Reverse osmo­sis 450
  • UV lamp (with the “UV” mod­el only)
  • stan­dard tap
  • con­nect­ing kit
  • Water Stop

Maintenance periods

PI®-Power Compact

Active Car­bon­block Fil­ter 450: every 6 months or after 9.000 l mains water
Mem­branes: every 3–4 years

PI®-Cell Vitalizer

Revi­tal­iz­ing car­tridge: every 8–10 years


Purifi­ca­tion scheme
direct flow reverse osmo­sis 450

Pre­filtra­tion (par­ti­cles of 5–10 µm): active-car­bon-block-fiter
water­cooled pump
coarse mate­r­i­al fil­ter­ing (sub­stances of 0,001 – 0,0001 µm): three ultra fine mem­branes type 150 GPD
UV light treat­ment (in “UV” mod­els only)