The effect of water on human body.

Ageing process

Water content during the course of one’s life

Imme­di­ate­ly after the birth the human body con­sists of 80% water. After a nat­ur­al death, mean­ing not caused by an acci­dent or ill­ness, the con­tent of water way under 50%!

Dur­ing the course of one’s life there is con­tin­u­ous decline of water con­tent in the human body. This loss of water or the accu­mu­la­tion of rel­a­tive dry mat­ter are the deci­sive fac­tors of aging. ⅔  of the water con­tent in human body are inside the cell, ⅓ out­side.

„Ben­e­fi­cial drinks are liq­uids with com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent bio-phys­i­cal prop­er­ties, as can be seen in nat­u­ral­ly pure, ener­gised drink­ing water, it is a balm for the body”.

Dr. med. Univ. Ivan ENGLER

84% of the cere­bral cor­tex, 75% of the mus­cles, 74% of the heart and 70% of the nerve cells are made of water. This water is in con­stant motion, the intra­cel­lu­lar body water is renewed with­in nine days.

The human cell con­tains diverse organelles con­tain­ing pro­tein mol­e­cules. These organelles and pro­tein mol­e­cules are sur­round­ed by a lay­er of water. The thick­ness of the water lay­er is around 20 to 40 water mol­e­cules. If the thick­ness of this water lay­er reduces, nei­ther the pro­tein mol­e­cules nor the organelles are in their usu­al envi­ron­ment. They are dis­turbed and dys­func­tion­al.

The meta­bol­ic process­es of the cells do not func­tion smooth­ly, the exchange of infor­ma­tion between the cells is inhib­it­ed. This has espe­cial­ly seri­ous con­se­quences for cell divi­sion.

„The cell is immor­tal. It is the liq­uid in which the cell swim-sthat is sub­ject to a degen­er­a­tive process­es.“

Dr. Alex­is CAR­REL
Nobel Prize for Med­i­cine

The require­ment for the cell to last for­ev­er is the reg­u­lar renew­al of this extra­cel­lu­lar flu­id. All types of water can­not guar­an­tee “eter­nal life”. Based on the dif­fer­ent sub­stances in water and degrees of puri­ty, water can have very dif­fer­ent effects on our body. Water only seems to be water. The dif­fer­ence between bio­log­i­cal­ly active cell flu­id and nor­mal water can be observed in the phys­i­cal struc­ture, the spa­tial arrange­ment of its mol­e­cules (geom­e­try).
Liquids with optimal bio-physical properties like PI®-Water can be absorbed by the cells very quickly and with very little energy.
Measurement of electroluminescence

Changes of the elec­tro­lu­mi­nes­cence val­ue (in %) of water probes after revi­tal­iza­tion. Red bars show sig­nif­i­cant change while blue ones are non-sig­nif­i­cant. Gem­stones and the pho­ton disc are slight­ly sig­nif­i­cant. The direc­tion of the bars is irrel­e­vant.

(Dr. med. Bar­bara Hen­del, Wass­er vom Rein­sten, ina pub­lish­ers, 2002)

The function of water in a human body.

Water reg­u­lates the metab­o­lism. Water the nutri­ents (pro­teins, car­bo­hy­drates, vit­a­mins, min­er­al nutri­ents) from the food and trans­ports those through the blood­stream to the bil­lions of body­cells. Here the nutri­tion’s metab­o­lism, turned into ener­gy guar­an­tees con­tin­u­ous cell pro­lif­er­a­tion. The many metabo­lites of the cell e.g. uric acid are dis­solved in the water and excret­ed through the kid­neys.

Trans­port of nutri­ents to the cell and removal of the metabo­lites from the organ­ism are the main tasks of water in the body. A water sup­ply, as advised by the World Health Organ­i­sa­tion (WHO), is the basis for a healthy metab­o­lism reg­u­la­tion. A sound metab­o­lism is the basis for our health.

Drinking water means be healthy and stay healthy.

Water reg­u­lates body’s tem­per­a­ture. Water helps to keep the body’s tem­per­a­ture at aprox. 37 °Cel­sius. While exer­cis­ing or high out­er tem­per­a­tures sweat is pro­duced which evap­o­rates on the skin. This has a cool­ing effect on our body tem­per­a­ture.

With­out the water evap­o­ra­tion would the body’s tem­per­a­ture quick­ly rise over 41 °Cel­sius, which would impli­cate a stroke.

The correct fluid intake.

The World Health Organ­i­sa­tion (WHO) rec­om­mends to keep a life­long health a to drink at least 30 mil­li­liter purest water per kilo­gram of body­weight dai­ly.


  • 60 kilo­gramm body­weight x 0,03 liter = 1,8 a day
  • 75 kilo­gramm body­weight x 0,03 liter = 2,25 liter a day
  • 90 kilo­gramm body­weight x 0,03 Liter = 2,7 Liter a day

For every cup of coffe or black tea as well as for ever glass of wine an addi­tion­al glass of water should be drunk.