PI®-Technology Logo


PI® Tech­nol­o­gy Europe
KNO­VO Han­dels- und Beteili­gungs GmbH

Fritschgasse 1
A‑5020 Salzburg
e‑mail: pi-technology.europe@lvl.at

phone: +43 (0)662 870 180–12

Ser­vice # Ger­many: 01804/ 5287 38

Type of busi­ness: Tap water treat­ment with PI®-Technology
VAT#: ATU49647100
Com­pa­nies’ reg­is­ter #: FN 195379 Y
EORI #.: ATEOS1000010986
Reg­is­tra­tion court: Salzburg
Head­quar­ters in: Salzburg

phone: +43 (0)662 870 180–12
e‑mail: pi-technology.europe@lvl.at

Mem­ber of: Cham­ber of com­merce, Aus­tria
Busi­ness reg­u­la­tion: Trade, Com­merce and Indus­try Reg­u­la­tion Act: www.ris.bka.gv.at

Super­vi­so­ry author­i­ty: Bezirk­shaupt­mannschaft Salzburg
Coun­try: Öster­re­ich

Hel­mut Vogl

Busi­ness pol­i­cy
Devel­op­ment and man­u­fac­tur­ing of PI®-Power Com­pact tap water treat­ment sys­tem and prod­ucts based on the PI® tech­nol­o­gy.

GDPR: you may find a detailed pri­va­cy pol­i­cy here.

EU dispute settlement

The Euro­pean Com­mis­sion pro­vides a plat­form for out-of-court dis­pute set­tle­ment to be addressed at:  http://ec.europa.eu/odr?tid=121447331 . For all nec­es­sary con­tact infor­ma­tion  see above.

We need to point out, that there’s either an oblig­a­tion nor will­ing­ness at our side to par­take in a dis­pute res­o­lu­tion in a con­sumer arbi­tra­tion ser­vice.

Content liability

We devel­op con­stant­ly the con­tent of this web­site and endeav­or to pro­vide cor­rect and up-to-date infor­ma­tion. Unfor­tu­nate­ly we assume no lia­bil­i­ty for the con­tent accu­ra­cy of this web­site, espe­cial­ly for the parts pro­vid­ed by a third par­ty.

Soll­ten Ihnen prob­lema­tis­che oder rechtswidrige Inhalte auf­fall­en, bit­ten wir Sie uns umge­hend zu kon­tak­tieren, Sie find­en die Kon­tak­t­dat­en im Impres­sum.

We are not liable for any con­tent of an exter­nal web­site we link to.  Based on the § 17 ECG we are not oblig­at­ed to answer for the linked website’s con­tent because we do not have nor had no knowl­edge about ille­gal activ­i­ties. We did not real­ize any ille­gal activ­i­ties yet and if we would, an imme­di­ate removal of the link would fol­low.

In case you notice any unlaw­ful link on our web­site, we would appre­ci­ate a brief notice very much. You may find our con­tact infor­ma­tion above.

Copyright notice

All con­tent of this web­site (graph­ics, pho­tos, text, videos, etc.) is pro­tect­ed by the copy­right. We will use any legal mea­sure to pre­vent an unau­tho­rized use of the con­tent referred to If nec­es­sary.

In case You’ll find con­tent on our web­site vio­lat­ing the copy­right law, we would appre­ci­ate a brief notice.

Image credits

All images, pho­tos and graph­ics on this web­site are pro­tect­ed by the copy­right.

The own­er of the copy­right are:

  • VRANKOV­INA, Wald­meis­ter­weg 32, 5400 Rif / Hallein
  • Shut­ter­stock (shutterstock.com)