PI®-Technology: An investment in health and delight that pays off!

The ini­tal price of a PI®-Power Com­pact appears to be sub­stan­tial­ly high at the first glance. Com­pared to medi­um-term costs of min­er­al water, this pic­ture changes rapid­ly.

Fol­low­ing aspects play­ing a sig­nif­i­cant deci­sive role not con­sid­ered before:

→ Trans­porta­tion costs of the min­er­al water (Top­ic: Sustainability/CO2 foot­print)
→ Recy­cling costs of the PET-bot­tles or the return and wash­ing of the deposit bot­tles
→ Per­son­al time effort relat­ed to the pur­chase of the min­er­al water
→ Phys­i­cal effort with the crate haul­ing

The last two fac­tors are cer­tain­ly the pri­ma­ry cause for con­sump­tion of min­er­al water sole­ly for drink­ing. For oth­er impor­tant use in a house­hold (cook­ing, tee, cof­fee, clean­ing of veg­eta­bles and fruits, pet and plant care) as well as in med­ical care tap water is used. The tem­per­a­ture resis­tance of the impu­ri­ties, boil­ing the tap water (e.g. for pas­ta water) does not lead to an improve­ment of the water’s qual­i­ty. (This applies to tap water even if it com­plies with the micro­bi­o­log­i­cal ordi­nance for the Drink­ing Water Reg­u­la­tions.)