PI®-Water research by Prof. Bernd Kröplin
The Institute of Statics and Dynamics of Aerospace Structures (ISD) of the University of Stuttgart has been researching the subject of information exchange in water for years. A deep insight into this matter is offered by so-called micro-optical tests of water drops. Under the dark field microscope, stable borders and crystalline structures become visible in bio-energetic high-quality water. Contaminated water does not let recognise such structures and under a electro-magnetic influences such as a mobile radiation, it gets highly instable.
The following images show the micro-optical tests of tap water done by the Institute of Statics and Dynamics before and after using the PI®-Cell Vitalizer.
The results of the research by Prof. Kröplin present a massive information enrichment and stabilization of tap water after passing through the PI®-Cell Vitalizer.