Biophysical analysis by Prof. Fritz-Albert Popp

Pro­fes­sor Popp is con­sid­ered since his dis­cov­ery of “Bio­pho­tons” as one of the most impor­tant sci­en­tists in Ger­many. His Inter­na­tion­al Insti­tute of Bio­physics e. V., in Neuss con­duct­ed stud­ies on behalf of gov­ern­ments and uni­ver­si­ties world­wide e.g. food qual­i­ty deter­mi­na­tion.

For the analy­sis of water Pro­fes­sor Popp devel­oped the elec­tro­lu­mi­nes­cence mea­sure­ment method. Dur­ing this pro­ce­dure water is elec­tri­cal­ly stim­u­lat­ed in a dark­room using plat­inum elec­trodes. At the end the bio­pho­ton emis­sions (recom­bi­na­tion processes/counts) are mea­sured with a pho­to­mul­ti­pli­er. Dif­fer­ent radi­a­tion process­es indi­cate the water’s qual­i­ty. The elec­tro­lu­mi­nes­cence mea­sure­ment is a stan­dard­ized and repro­ducible method for an absolute quan­tifi­ca­tion of fine- and coarse mate­r­i­al dif­fer­ences or changes in the water.

The hypoth­e­sis for the analy­sis: Accord­ing to Prof. Popp, the less­er the recom­bi­na­tion process­es (counts) occur after the stim­u­la­tion, the bet­ter the water ful­fills its duties in the organ­ism.

To put is sim­ply: Edi­bles with low recom­bi­na­tion occur­rence are able to store ener­gy. A rather inan­i­mate food is not able to do so and releas­es the bio­pho­tons into the envi­ron­ment.

Explanation of the result

Due to the treat­ment of the tap water with PI®-Technology and reverse osmo­sis, the recom­bi­na­tion process­es (counts) decrease from 508.5 to 13.97. Lau­re­tana – Europe’s Light­est Water, reached the val­ue of 17.4 in anoth­er study con­duct­ed by Prof. Popp.

Accord­ing to the sci­en­tif­ic results by Pro­fes­sor Popp, PI®-Technology treat­ment of the tap water caus­es a sig­nif­i­cant change in its qual­i­ty.  In com­bi­na­tion with reverse osmo­sis, PI®-Water achieved val­ues com­pa­ra­ble to the well-known “liv­ing” spring water Lau­re­tana, which is one of the best spring waters on the mar­ket.