Biophysical analysis by Prof. Fritz-Albert Popp
Professor Popp is considered since his discovery of “Biophotons” as one of the most important scientists in Germany. His International Institute of Biophysics e. V., in Neuss conducted studies on behalf of governments and universities worldwide e.g. food quality determination.
For the analysis of water Professor Popp developed the electroluminescence measurement method. During this procedure water is electrically stimulated in a darkroom using platinum electrodes. At the end the biophoton emissions (recombination processes/counts) are measured with a photomultiplier. Different radiation processes indicate the water’s quality. The electroluminescence measurement is a standardized and reproducible method for an absolute quantification of fine- and coarse material differences or changes in the water.
The hypothesis for the analysis: According to Prof. Popp, the lesser the recombination processes (counts) occur after the stimulation, the better the water fulfills its duties in the organism.
To put is simply: Edibles with low recombination occurrence are able to store energy. A rather inanimate food is not able to do so and releases the biophotons into the environment.
Explanation of the result
Due to the treatment of the tap water with PI®-Technology and reverse osmosis, the recombination processes (counts) decrease from 508.5 to 13.97. Lauretana – Europe’s Lightest Water, reached the value of 17.4 in another study conducted by Prof. Popp.
According to the scientific results by Professor Popp, PI®-Technology treatment of the tap water causes a significant change in its quality. In combination with reverse osmosis, PI®-Water achieved values comparable to the well-known “living” spring water Lauretana, which is one of the best spring waters on the market.