Order of the
PI®-Water test pack

PI® Testpaket in einer Bio Naku Flasche
Now NEW: Up to 100% renewable and biodegradable NaKu organic bottle!
  • Made 100% from nat­ur­al resources: PLA from starch!
  • Free from phta­lates, bisphe­nole A, BHPF and anti­mo­ny!
  • 100% nat­ur­al, 100% sus­tain­able, 100% renew­able,  100% biodegrad­able and 100% recy­clable!

Yes, I’d love to test the PI®-Water!

Please send me a non-bind­ing FREE sam­ple of the PI®-Water includ­ing a detailed pro­duct­in­for­ma­tion!

Please under­stand that we have to charge a fee of 49,60 Euro for ship­ping to Switzer­land. If you decide to pur­chase a PI®-Power Com­pact sys­tem, this amount will of course be deduct­ed from the pur­chase price.
Request­ing a sam­ple of the PI®-Water is nev­er a pur­chase com­mit­ment.
Con­tent: PI®-Water (2 x stan­dard, 2 x plus) per e‑mail address and/or a house­hold.

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