Mineral nutrients in water

Min­er­al nutri­ents in water are absorbed by the body by up to 35% (bioavail­abil­i­ty). The amount of dis­solved essen­tial min­er­al nutri­ents like cal­ci­um, mag­ne­sium, and pot­ta­si­um is very low though — the are irrel­e­vant for the body’s min­er­al nutri­ents sup­ply. The ratio­nal of the min­er­al water pro­duc­ers that their prod­ucts are healthy because of the con­tained min­er­al nutri­ents, is not plau­si­ble. The World Health Organ­i­sa­tion (WHO) sub­scribes to this view as well.

WHO points out in the „Guide­lines for Drink­ing Water Qual­i­ty“ the fact that „many con­sumers in the Euro­pean and some oth­er coun­tries believe min­er­al water has med­ical qual­i­ty even though there is cur­rent­ly no con­vinc­ing sci­en­tif­ic proof avail­able that con­firms such pos­i­tive effect of the water in ques­tion. “

This exam­ple of a french min­er­al water shows the lack of essen­tial min­er­al nutri­ents in most of the water of that kind:

dis­solved mate­r­i­al
part bioavail­able
dai­ly intake
vol­ume need­ed to cov­er the dai­ly intake
cal­ci­um: 78 mg
mag­ne­sium: 24 mg
potas­si­um: 1 mg
27 mg
8,4 mg
0,35 mg
1000 mg
400 mg
1000 mg
37 l
48 l
2857 l
Our body obtains the vital min­er­al nutri­ents from healthy food and not from water!