Important information about the pH-value

The mean pH-val­ue of PI®-Water is between pH 6,5 to 6,8. This num­ber is based on mul­ti­tude of tests dur­ing the last years. The pH val­ue is direct­ly depen­dent of the so called “resid­ual car­bon diox­ide” (absolute­ly flavour­less) which is con­tained in every kind of water. This car­bon diox­ide rapid­ly volatilize on its way to the water’s con­sump­tion. Fur­ther­more many water­works add arti­fi­cial­ly car­bon diox­ide and oxy­gen to sup­port the shelf life and ster­il­iza­tion. These mea­sures low­er the pH-val­ue. This has an effect on the pH-val­ue after the reverse osmo­sis treat­ment as well, because gas­es can’t be fil­tered by the mem­branes.

What does pH-value actually mean?

pH-val­ue indi­cates the con­cen­tra­tion of hydro­gen ions in a flu­id which is equal with the pro­tons’ con­cen­tra­tion. Mea­sur­ing the pH-val­ue quan­ti­fies the terms acid (< pH 7), alka­line (> pH 7) and neu­tral (= ph 7). Acids are pro­ton donors and basis pro­ton accep­tors.

Very low-min­er­al­ized waters have in gen­er­al a slight­ly acidic pH-val­ue. Sci­en­tists such as the famous french hydrol­o­gist Prof. Vin­cent see the ben­e­fit of drink­ing slight­ly acidic low-min­er­al­ized water espe­cial­ly in the stim­u­la­tion of the kidney’s excre­to­ry func­tion.

Aca­d­e­m­ic med­ical stud­ies prove: Drink­ing low-min­er­al­ized water — after a high qual­i­ty treat­ment — stim­u­lates the excre­tion of uric acid. This way PI®-Water is a gen­tle means of detox­ing the body in entire­ly nat­ur­al way.

Dr. Mar­co Neri and Anto­nio Paoli, both mem­bers of the advi­so­ry coun­cil of the Ital­ian fit­ness fed­er­a­tion, pub­lished on the sub­ject of the pH-Val­ue an arti­cle with fol­low­ing state­ment (Rim­i­ni, 4.10.2001):

„Some­times only a few small things need to be done to improve the qual­i­ty of life such as giv­ing water — the very base ele­ment of life — prop­er atten­tion. A slight­ly acidic pH-val­ue between 5,7 and 6,7 aids the diges­tion. The buffer effect is low and as a con­se­quence the opti­mal pH-Val­ue nec­es­sary for a prop­er assim­i­la­tion of food is eas­i­er to reach.“

The acid- or respec­tive­ly base-form­ing effect of food depends of the way, how it is metab­o­lized by the organ­ism. Event the base-formig fruits and veg­eta­bles have a pH-val­ue under 7. To reach an even acid-base-bal­lance a cou­ple fac­tors need to be con­sid­ered:

  • Con­sump­tion of exces­sive base-form­ing food
  • Renounce­ment of cof­fee, tee, alco­hol and nico­tine
  • Reduc­tion of stress
  • and among oth­er things pur­pose­ful intake of dietary sup­ple­ments

Fol­low­ing these steps the pH-Val­ue of the tis­sue ris­es, hence the body is ready to release the acidic waste prod­ucts formed by “hyper­acid­i­ty”. To do this the body needs a fair amount of trans­port ready water (water with high hydra­tion capa­bil­i­ty). A water that has due its low min­er­al­i­sa­tion a high bind­ing capac­i­ty absorbs the acidic waste prod­ucts and dis­pose those through the kid­ney out of the body.

The acid-base-bal­ance set­ting com­pe­tence of water is based on it func­tion as a trans­port “vehi­cle” and not by ris­ing the pH-val­ue in the tis­sue per se. The pH-val­ue ris­es because of the dis­pos­al of the acidic waste prod­ucts.

Addi­tion­al­ly the deci­sive fac­tor at the end is what way how a mate­r­i­al or flu­id in the body acts. Is it acid- or base-form­ing or is it neu­tral (com­par.: Lemon­juice — qual­i­ty: acidic, effect: base-form­ing).

Fur­ther to con­sid­er is the pH-val­ue in the stom­ach has a val­ue between 1,5 and 2. It ris­es to 5,5 to 8 in the guts.