PI® active-carbon fiber filter

PI® Active Carbon Fiber Filter
The PI® active-car­bon fiber fil­ter is ide­al as high effi­cient pre­filter for all reverse osmo­sis sys­tems, espe­cial­ly if the lim­its of the incom­ing water vary out­side the legal stan­dard. This way the long-life cycle of the reverse osmo­sis and espe­cial­ly the mem­branes is guar­an­teed.
Prod­uct fea­tures
  • Over a 10 times more absorp­tion than an active-gran­u­late-car­bon fil­ter (AGCF)
  • Over a 2,5 times longer life-span
  • No water stain­ing by the car­bon pow­der
  • Very lit­tle pres­sure loss in com­par­i­sion to a AGCF
  • Sim­ple instal­la­tion and com­fort­able usage
Dimen­sions hous­ing

height: 305 mm
diam­e­ter: 70 mm with­out con­nec­tors

Installation of the PI® active-carbon fiber filter

PI® Active Carbon Fiber Filter Installation

The PI® active-car­bon fiber fil­ter is insert­ed into the sys­tem pri­or to the reverse-osmo­sis.

The instal­la­tion is very sim­ple and intu­itive.

  1. Open the PI®-Water tap and ini­ti­ate the water pro­duc­tion.
  2. Cut the tap water sup­ply dur­ing the water pro­duc­tion using the blue tap “FEED” after the angle tap.
  3. The sys­tem quits auto­mat­i­cal­ly with the error “WATER PRO­TEC­TION WATER LACK” on the dis­play.
  4. Turn off the sys­tem using the pow­er switch on the back­side. Close the PI®-Water tap.
  5. Cut the tap water pipe (FEED) at a suit­able place. The pipe has to be cut absolute­ly at 90°!
  6. Insert the free ends of the new­ly sev­ered pipe into the John Guest plug-in con­nec­tors of the filter’s hous­ing. You may find a pre­cise infor­ma­tion in the John Guest plu­g­in con­nec­tor guide.
    Please note the addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion about the John Guest push fit sys­tem here.
  7. IMPOR­TANT: The entry con­nec­tor for the incom­ing water is close to the edge of the housing’s cap. The exit is in the cen­ter.
  8. Secure the con­nec­tions with the secu­ri­ty-clips.
  9. Open the blue tap “FEED” after the angle tap.
  10. Turn the sys­tem on with the pow­er switch on the back side.

The sys­tem starts with a short flush and is ready right after.

    John Guest push fit con­nec­tor sys­tem

    PI® active-carbon fiber filter replacement cartridge

    PI® Active Carbon Fiber Kartusche
    Accord­ing to the DIN-stan­dard the PI® active-car­bon fiber fil­ter car­tridge has to be replaced every 6 months.