PI® Anti-lime prefilter

PI® Antikalk Vorfilter
Is the lime load excep­tion­al­ly high (high­er degree of water hard­ness) or the mains water val­ues vary too much, the PI® anti-lime pre­filter should be used. This way the mem­branes and the pump are pro­tect­ed and their lifes­pan will be extend­ed.
Rec­om­men­da­tion: Install the anti-lime pre­filter if the mains water hard­ness exceeds 20°gh / 35,6°fh.

Installation of the PI® anti-lime prefilter

Montage PI® Antikalk Filter

The PI® anti-lime pre­filter must be installed pri­or to the reverse osmo­sis. You can find the exact infor­ma­tion about the PI® anti-lime pre­filter’s instal­la­tion in our guide.

Please con­tact our ser­vice team, we will glad­ly send you one.

PI® anti-lime prefilter replacement cartridge

PI® Antikalk Ersatzkartusche
In order to opti­mize your costs and the green foot-print the com­plete change of the fil­ter is unnec­es­sary. Only the car­tridge needs to be replaced. You can eas­i­ly open the hous­ing using the wrench includ­ed with the ini­tial deliv­ery (not shown) and swap the car­tridge.
You may find an exact infor­ma­tion about the car­tridge’s replace­ment in our instal­la­tion and fil­ter replace­ment guide.