
PI®-Shower - Dusche

PI®-Shower Logo

Con­t­a­m­i­nants like chlo­rine and its byprod­ucts in the show­er water can be absorbed through the skin. We take in the harm­ful chlo­rine vapors through the lungs dur­ing show­er­ing. Chlo­rine in the show­er water dis­solves pro­teins out of our skin and hair. Due the aller­gic reac­tion to chlo­rine and oth­er con­t­a­m­i­nants our eyes get irri­tat­ed and red­dened, the skin itch­es, scales and cracks.

PI®-shower removes chlo­rine residues from the tap water by an active car­bon fil­ter and a fil­ter made of coconut shells and BCS®-PI®-ceramics.

The PI®-shower elim­i­nates

  • chlo­rine residues
  • con­t­a­m­i­nants
  • chlo­rine odour
  • germs and bac­te­ria

Effect of the PI®-shower

PI®-shower is quick­ly and eas­i­ly installed and ide­al­ly suits dur­ing a vaca­tion or for the RV.
  • No more itch­ing after a show­er.
  • Soft skin — no skin dehy­dra­tion.
  • Hair- and Head­skin-care.
  • Soft and well-groomed hair.
  • Dyed hair keeps its colour longer.
  • Fresh look thanks to bet­ter look­ing skin.

PI®-shower — technical details

PI®-Dusche Strahl breit
show­er jet
PI®-Dusche Massage Strahl
mas­sage jet
  • „Rain“: This show­er jet is com­fort­able and ide­al for hair and skin care.
  • „Mas­sage“: A strong jet stim­u­lates the skin and has a pleas­ant mas­sage-effect.

Dial: Switch­es between tap and the ener­gized water. To pro­long the capac­i­ty of the fil­ter you have the choice of tap water only if not used for per­son­al hygiene or skin and hair care.

Show­er hous­ing (ABS resin): Suit­able for hot water (max. 60°C).

Mod­ell: PBS‑H

Pur­pose: Removal of chlo­rine residues

Instal­la­tion: The show­er head is sim­ply installed instead of the tra­di­tion­al show­er head

* Replace­ment car­tridge: Accord­ing to the DIN ordi­nance it has to be replaced every 6 months (the replace­ment car­tridge is avail­able from us)

Filter’s mate­r­i­al: active car­bon, acti­vat­ed coconut shells, BCS®-PI®-ceramics

Filter’s per­for­mance: 5 micron

Flow rate: 8 litere/min (1kgf/qcm)

Capac­i­ty: 40.000 litre­for the removal of chlo­rine residues from 1 ppm to 0,3 ppm

Water pres­sure: 0,1 Mpa‑0,49 Mpa (1,0 kgf/qcm – 5 kgf/qcm)

Colour: White

Dimen­sions: 12 cm x 4 cm x 26 cm (W x D x H)

Con­nec­tor dimen­sion: 1/2 inch

Show­er hose: Not includ­ed

Suit­able for instan­ta­neous water heater: Yes

PI®-Shower - Kartusche

Please note:

  • Max­i­mum water tem­per­a­ture: 60 °C.
  • This show­er head is designed for use in a bath­room.