Micro-optical Analysis of dehumidified PI®-Water Drops by Dipl.-Ing. Sabine Normann-Schmidt
Properties of a material including water are according to Dipl.-Ing. Sabine Normann-Schmidt a matter of its structure. The micro-optical research using a dark-field microscope and dried PI®-Water droplets proved the ability of PI®-Technology to change the structure of water.
The body of water is not just structured by the ingredients but energetically as well. The ingredients with their specific electromagnetic oscillation while being in motion arrange themselves inside the water’s energy fields and get more and more fixed during the desiccation process. This creates a characteristic structural image of the specific water drop, which exactly reflects its arrangement system — so to speak its “personality”.
Dipl.-Ing. Norman-Schmidt concluded that the PI®-Water is an unusually differentiated, multi-level structured and energy rich water. This was not even closely observed in any other water sample.
ACO DE PAOU, Institut de Recherché et Développement Ecologique, Valernes, Frankreich