Frequently asked questions

How quickly has the PI®-Power Compact to be put into operation after delivery?

The PI®-Power Com­pact must be installed and oper­at­ed 7 days after deliv­ery at the lat­est.

How does the PI®-Power Compact operate?

The water is cleared of the coarse mate­ri­als by the reverse osmo­sis, fol­low­ing by clock­wise swirl in the PI®-Cell Vital­iz­er. Nat­ur­al min­er­als enrich and ener­gize the water after­wards. At the end of the treat­ment the ener­gy lev­el is adjust­ed. You may find all the details in the prod­uct man­u­al or pro­fes­sion­al infor­ma­tion.

What is so special about the PI®-Technology or rather the PI®-Power Compact?

The PI®-Technology is a patent­ed method for water treat­ment.

PI®-Power Com­pact is a four phase sys­tem for pro­duc­tion of high-grade liv­ing drink­ing water.

„Direct flow“ — what does it mean?

It is most mod­ern method of reverse osmo­sis to day. The water is “flow-through” puri­fied with­out any addi­tion­al stor­age con­tain­er, in which it could be bio-con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed. The amount of puri­fied water depends by the mod­el, tem­per­a­ture of the feed water and elec­tri­cal con­duc­tiv­i­ty between 1,5 l/min up to 2,5 l/min.

What makes the difference between a “direct flow” reverse osmosis and a conventional revers osmosis system?

con­ven­tion­al sys­tems PI®-Power Com­pact direct flow sys­tem
slow water purifi­ca­tion fast water purifi­ca­tion by a “direct flow” method, water­cooled pump hence not ther­mal issues
stor­age tank nec­es­sary no stor­age tank need­ed
risk of micro­bi­o­log­i­cal con­t­a­m­i­na­tion no con­t­a­m­i­na­tion haz­ard due auto­mat­ic rins­ing before and after the pro­duc­tion as well as every 360 min­utes, anti-germ non-return-valve in the drain pipe
stag­nant water always a fresh water
sig­nif­i­cant space require­ment com­pact design
per­for­mance 0,14 l/min of witch:
pure water ca.20 %
waste water ca. 80 %
high per­for­mance*: 2,7−4,6 l/min of witch:
pure water ca. 55%* = 1,5−2,5 l/min
waste water ca. 45%* = 1,25−2,1 l/min
no ystem- and qual­i­ty con­trol elec­tron­ic qual­i­ty con­trol (TDS eval­u­a­tion)
* Based on the mod­el (PI®-Power Com­pact 300 or PI®-Power Com­pact 450) at a incom­ing water tem­per­a­ture of 25 °C and elec­tr. con­duc­tiv­i­ty of 500 µS/cm.

Where is the best spot for the PI®-Power Compact installation?

Always there, where you con­nect the faucet, so at the end of an incom­ing water pipe. For exam­ple in the kitchen under the sink.

Which faucet do I use?

There is a one-way faucet includ­ed in the stan­dard pack­age. You may find a series of suit­able, high qual­i­ty three-way-faucets in our acces­so­ry porto­fo­lio. Just give us a call.

Can be a dishwasher connected to the system?

Yes, this can be also eas­i­ly achieved. A T‑connector is inter­posed between the reverse osmo­sis and the PI®-Cell Vitalz­er, which will be then con­nect­ed with the dish­wash­er. Turn­ing on the dish­wash­er ini­ti­ates the reverse-osmo­sis-water pro­duc­tion and fills up the inter­nal con­tain­er of the dish­wash­er. This way your dish­es are washed by the reverse-osmo­sis-water and you’ll need no salt and very lit­tle deter­gent.

Which materials are during the coarse-material purification phase removed by the PI®-Power Compact?


What does „osmosis“ mean?

An osmo­sis is the auto­mat­ic pass­ing of mate­ri­als through a mem­brane. It always hap­pens, when two liq­uids with dif­fer­ent ion­ic con­cen­tra­tion are sep­a­rat­ed by a semi­per­me­able mem­brane. Is a con­tain­er sep­a­rat­ed by a semi­per­me­able mem­brane, which allows the water flow towards the saline solu­tion but pre­vents pass­ing of the dis­solved salt a chem­i­cal phe­nom­e­non takes place: an attempt to bal­ance the con­cen­tra­tion of the two flu­ids in both parts of the con­tain­er. Is in one part of the con­tain­er pure water and in the oth­er a saline solu­tion, the water will pass the mem­brane and for the rea­son of a chem­i­cal bal­ance dilute the saline solu­tion. This process is called osmo­sis.

What is a “reverse osmosis”?

Reverse osmo­sis tech­nol­o­gy turns the prin­ci­pal of the osmo­sis around. High per­for­mance pump applies pres­sure on the part of the con­tain­er with the high ion­ic con­cen­tra­tion (tap water) so the water is forced through the mem­brane towards the pure water with low ion­ic con­cen­tra­tion. The unwant­ed dis­solved mate­r­i­al (for exam­ple lime, nitrate, sili­cic acid, heavy met­als, radionuk­lides, phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal residues, etc.) can not pass the ultra fine mem­brane because of its mol­e­c­u­lar size. There­for on the pure water’s side there is exclu­sive­ly water, no ions what­so­ev­er. Due the per­ma­nent influx of the tap water, the dis­solved unwant­ed mate­r­i­al needs to be con­tin­u­ous­ly removed and so the plug­ging of the mem­brane avoid­ed. As a result the reverse osmo­sis pro­duces waste water, a con­cen­trate of unwant­ed sub­stances that need to be rinsed.

What is a membrane?

A mem­brane con­sists of dif­fer­ent thin syn­thet­ic mixed fabric’s lay­ers, which are wound around a plas­tic pipe. This mem­brane is known as a TFC-mem­brane (thin film com­pos­ite). The mate­r­i­al of the mem­brane is semi­per­me­able which means, only pure water mol­e­cules pass through the fine pores (0,0001 µm = atom­ic size). Con­t­a­m­i­nants, which are not able to pass the mem­brane are flushed with the waste water.

Does the PI®-Power Compact remove lime completely out of the water?

Yes, up to 99% of lime can be removed. Does the water con­tain a high amount of lime, we rec­om­mend to insert an anti-lime fil­ter pri­or to the sys­tem. This way the mem­branes are pro­tect­ed and their life-span extend­ed. Due to the much low­er costs of a PI® Anti-lime fil­ter in respect to the price of a mem­brane is this def­i­nite­ly the less expen­sive vari­ant.

Do I need lime for my body?

Lime (and oth­er min­er­als as well) is non-organ­i­cal­ly dis­solved in water hence it’s hard for the body to process. The best way to take in cal­ci­um, mag­ne­sium and oth­er min­er­als is in a organ­i­cal­ly bound form, like in veg­eta­bles, fruits, bread etc. This way the body needs much less effort to metab­o­lize them.

What about pharmaceutical residues and hormones?

These are up to 99% removed as well. You may find the com­plete renten­tion rates in our man­u­al or HERE.

Will lead and nickel coming from the pipes and fittings be effectively removed?

Yes, lead and nick­el will be removed.

Can I use PI®-Water for preparation of baby food?

Yes, your baby will be very hap­py.

Can I use PI®-Water for cooking?

Sure! Your meals and dish­es will taste much bet­ter, because the water con­tains no con­t­a­m­i­nants affect­ing their taste.

How do I know if the system operates properly?

In case of any mal­func­tion the dis­play on the front side sig­nals visu­al­ly and if nec­es­sary acousti­cal­ly about the issue.

What sould be done, if the pure water output declines?

At first please observe the issue, because it might be caused by a tem­per­a­ture change of the water. If the water is too cold, the out­put declines. If the out­put stays low (approx. 0,5l/min), fol­low­ing caus­es may apply:

The pub­lic water sup­ply can hold dur­ing ser­vice or floods high­er amount of rust, sand or any oth­er kind of dirt. If there is no sieve or fil­ter installed in the house­hold, you may find this at the tap’s aer­a­tors. This coarse grime can clog the pre­filters and so reduce the flow rate. Are the fil­ters okay, the decline of the pure water out­put may also sig­nal a nec­es­sary replace­ment of the mem­branes.

What happens with the packaging?

Please keep it in any case. The man­u­fac­tur­er grants the war­ran­ty in the orig­i­nal pack­ag­ing only.

What needs to be done, if the system was unused for a longer period of time?

Dis­con­nect the PI®-Cell Vital­iz­er from the intake. Remove and dry the car­tridge, keep it in the fridge if nec­es­sary. Seal the con­nec­tion between the reverse osmo­sis and the PI®-Cell Vital­iz­er or con­nect it direct­ly to the reg­u­lar tap. The reverse osmo­sis stays ON. It will be flushed and cleaned auto­mat­i­cal­ly. For a medi­um-term idle mode we rec­om­mend the instal­la­tion of the vaca­tion kit which can be ordered as an acces­so­ry. The vaca­tion kit sim­u­lates in cer­tain inter­vals water pro­duc­tion and this way it flush­es the whole sys­tem.

When does the cartridge of the PI®-Cell Vitalizer need to be replaced?

The manufacturer’s war­ran­ty grants 10.000 litres. Under the con­di­tion the PI®-Cell Vital­iz­er was installed exact­ly accord­ing to the instruc­tions and oper­ates in “flush-through” mode the rise of con­duc­tiv­i­ty is min. 10 to 15 microsi­mens). If this val­ue can not be reached, only then the car­tridge needs to be replaced. This can hap­pen after 6–7 but some­times not until 8–9 years.

How do I know the membranes need to replaced?

If the mes­sage on the dis­play states “BAD TDS” and does not dis­ap­pear.

How much maintenance cost causes the PI®-Power Compact operation?

Accord­ing to the DIN stan­dard the pre­filter-set needs to be replaced every 6 months. All oth­er addi­tion­al fil­ters includ­ed in the sys­tem (anti-lime fil­ter, anti-nitrate fil­ter) need to be replaced in a 6 months inter­val. Based on expe­ri­ence the membrane’s replace­ment inter­val is 3–4 years. You may find the respec­tive prices in the cur­rent price list.

Can a steamer be connected to the system?

Yes, this is pos­si­ble with ease. A t‑connector is insert­ed between the PI®-Cell Vital­iz­er and the tap. The steam­er is con­nect­ed to the t‑connector. Is the steam­er turned on, the sys­tem starts the PI®-Water pro­duc­tion and fills up the steamer’s water con­tain­er. This way your meals are gen­tly cooked with the PI®-Water.