PI® Antiglyphosat filter strong

PI® Antiglyphosat Filter Strong
Is the glyphosate pollution exceptionally high we recommend the use of the PI® Antiglyphosat filter strong.

Glyphosate is world­wide the most impor­tant com­po­nent of her­bi­cides since years. In 2012 the glob­al sales of this broad-spec­trum her­bi­cide reached 725.000 tons. For bet­ter under­stand­ing: this cor­re­sponds to the equiv­a­lent of just under 30.000 trucks.

This her­bi­cide can be obtained in any gar­den cen­ter or DIY store. It is used pri­vate­ly and com­mer­cial­ly.

Glyphosat can’t be removed by an osmot­ic purifi­ca­tion. We devel­oped in coöper­a­tion with inter­na­tion­al research insti­tutes a sys­tem that is in com­bi­na­tion with the PI®-Power Com­pact tech­nol­o­gy capa­ble of fil­ter­ing glyphosate out.

Flow rate: max 2,5 — 3 litre per minute
The effi­cien­cy of the Antiglyphosat fil­ter strong is giv­en only in con­junc­tion with a reverse osmo­sis.

Installation of the PI® Antiglyphosat filter strong

Montage PI® Antiglyphosat Filter Strong

The Antiglyphosat fil­ter strong will be insert­ed after the direct flow reverse osmo­sis and pri­or to the PI®-Cell Vital­iz­er.

Atten­tion: The flow direc­tion is essen­tial an must be respect­ed. The intake is on edge of the hous­ing cap and the out­let in the cen­ter.

DR. EICHINGER, HYDROISOTOP SCHWEITENKIRCHEN (acreddited testing laboratory):
“The glyphosate fil­ter, insert­ed in series after a well work­ing reverse osmo­sis (reten­tion val­ue of 95%) is an excel­lent pro­tec­tion against glyphosate com­po­nents. The flow rate must not exceed 2,5−3 l/min.”

Accord­ing to the DIN-stan­dard the Antiglyphosat fil­ter strong has to be replaced every 6 months.

PI® Antiglyphosat filter strong replacement cartridge

PI® Antiglyphosat Filter Strong Ersatzkartusche
In order to opti­mize your costs and the green foot-print the com­plete change of the fil­ter is unnec­es­sary. Only the car­tridge needs to be replaced. You can eas­i­ly open the hous­ing using the wrench includ­ed with the ini­tial deliv­ery (not shown) and swap the car­tridge.