Direct flow reverse osmosis

PI®-Power Compact 300 und 450
Cer­ti­fied by 2006/ 95/ EC, 2004/ 108/ 108, EN 62238, EN 60335, EN 55014–1_2, EN 61000.

The PI®-Power Com­pact Direct Flow reverse osmo­sis is the first step towards a purest drink­ing water indul­gence. Here the feed water gets puri­fied from the coarse mate­r­i­al. On the one hand inside the pre-fil­ters (PI®-Power Com­pact 300: pre-fil­ter set; PI®-Power Com­pact 450: active car­bon block fil­ter) the sol­id mat­ter like sand or microplas­tics is removed by a sed­i­ment-fil­ter and on the oth­er hand much small­er sub­stances and chem­i­cal com­pounds are fil­tered by an active car­bon block fil­ter.

The Dire­cet Flow process requires no reser­voir, hence there’s no larg­er vol­ume of stag­nant water is pro­duced. If the sys­tem oper­ates under opti­mal con­di­tions  there is 100% no chance of bio­log­i­cal con­t­a­m­i­na­tion.

Fur­ther advan­tages of a direct flow reverse osmo­sis sys­tem:

  • Con­tact pres­sure of 9,5 bar at the mem­brane sig­nif­i­cant­ly increas­es the reten­tion val­ue
  • High­est rejec­tion rate of the con­tained mate­ri­als (>97,5% — 99%)
  • Excel­lent pure water out­put per liter of tap water (55%)
  • Low waste water out­put per liter of tap water (45%)
  • Water cooled pump, hence no ther­mal issues
  • Low main­te­nance costs thanks to long life 150 GPD TFC-high effi­cien­cy mem­branes
  • Con­stant back flush of the mem­branes: before and after each pro­duc­tion cycle and by default every 6 hours
  • Pres­sure reduc­er: Sys­tem pro­tec­tion against water ham­mer from the mains water sup­ply
  • Auto­mat­ic waste water drain under high pres­sure and with anti-germ-rebound-valve
  • Auto­mat­ic water qual­i­ty con­trol (TDS con­duc­tiv­i­ty)
  • LCD dis­play for fil­ter- and mem­brane main­te­nance
  • Mod­ern and com­pact design, extreme­ly space-sav­ing
  • Sim­ple assem­bly and main­te­nance (do-it-your­self-sys­tem)
  • Sim­ple and effec­tive John Guest plug-in con­nec­tors
  • Food-safe mate­ri­als guar­an­teed: All plas­tic are guar­an­teed free from so called plas­ti­ciz­ers (phta­lates), bis­pehnol A (hor­mones), acetalde­hyde and anti­mo­ny (cer­tifi­cates are avail­able upon request)

Condition to the tap water (prior to the reverse osmosis):

  1. The feed water has to con­form to the drink­ing water ordi­nance!
  2. The raw water tem­per­a­ture must be between 4 and 40 °C
  3. The raw water pres­sure must be between min. 3 bar and max. 5–6 bar
  4. The raw water hard­ness should be under 20 °ghd / 35,6 °fhd. If the hard­ness lev­el is high­er a lime pre-fil­ter set has to be installed pri­or to the reverse osmo­sis
  5. The raw water TDS lev­el must be under 450 ppm (900 µS/cm). If this lev­el is high­er a lime pre-fil­ter set has to be installed pri­or to the reverse osmo­sis
  6. The direct flow reverse osmo­sis may oper­ate at a volt­age between 220–240 volts only
Illustration Eckventil

Rejection rate of a PI®-Power Compact direct flow reverse osmosis membrane

Exam­ples of sub­stances that may be con­tained in water:
inorganic substances (%)
sodi­um >96
potas­si­um >97
calcium/magnesium >99
alu­mini­um >99
iron >99
man­ganese >99
cae­sium >99
stron­tium >99
heavy met­als
cop­per >99
lead >99
zinc >99
mer­cury >99
cad­mi­um >99
chromi­um >99
nick­el >99
thal­li­um >99
flu­o­ride >99
chlo­ride >98
nitrate*/nitrite >97
sul­fate >97
inor­gan­ic sub­stances
asbestos >99
arsenic >99
*In case of high nitrate con­cen­tra­tion the reten­tion rate is reduced.
organic substances (%)
hydro­gen com­pounds
hep­tane, oktane, dekane, etc. >98
ben­zene, toluene, xylene, etc. >99
MTBE >99
pol­yaro­mat­ic hydro­gen com­pounds
PAH >99
chlo­ri­nat­ed hydro­gen com­pounds
Resid­ual sub­stances that result from the chlo­ri­na­tion of water. >99
trichlormethane >60
bromdichlormethane >99
di-/tri­bro­momethane >99
pes­ti­cides & break­down prod­ucts
PCB >99
atrazine >99
desethy­la­trazine >99
micro organ­isms
het­erotroph­ic germs >99
col­iform bac­te­ria >99
virus­es >99
drug’s residues >99
hor­mones >99
radi­um 226 >97
radi­um 228 >97
ura­ni­um >97

Filtration level of a PI® direct flow reverse osmosis

The fol­low­ing image illus­trates the fil­tra­tion lev­el of water before it exits your tap and flows into a glass. The PI® direct flow reverse osmo­sis addi­tion­al­ly puri­fies the water from the finest par­ti­cles (<0,0001 μm) as well.
moun­tain- and well-water
PI® Filterungsschema Haare
PI® Filterungsschema Blut
100 μm
human hair, sand …
10 μm
blood cells, pollen, flour, latex emul­sion, gia­r­dia cysts …
tap water
sim­ple fab­ric water fil­ter
active car­bon fil­ter
PI® Filterungsschema Bakterien
5 μm
bac­te­ria, alga, indi­go pow­der, cryp­to-sporid­i­um …
PI® Filterungsschema Viren
0,1 μm
virus­es, asbestos, gela­tine, sil­i­ca sol, bitu­mi­nous coal pow­der …
PI® Filterungsschema Arznei
0,01 μm
endo­tox­ins, pyro­gens, hor­mone or med­i­cine residues, syn­thet­ic colour pig­ments …
PI® Filterungsschema Nitrat
0,001 μm
nitrate, pes­ti­cides, her­bi­cides, sug­ar, water-sol­u­ble salts, met­al ions …
PI®-Power Com­pact
PI® Filterungsschema Wasser
purest water